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Mr. McKinney and Mr. Janssens expertly cover "Differentiation Techniques and Applications" in their instructional videos. Each lesson is meticulously designed to provide all the essential information, ensuring you grasp the entire unit thoroughly. By watching their videos, you’ll gain a solid understanding of the topic, making complex concepts more accessible and easier to master. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from experienced educators and enhance your calculus skills.
Check it out:
Day 1: Basic Derivative Rules (15 min)
2nd, 3rd, and beyond (7 min)
Day 2: Product and Quotient Rules (14 min)
Day 3: Chain Rule (14 min)
Chain Combined with Product and Quotient Rules (12 min)
Using the Definition of Chain Rule (7 min)
Day 4: Exponential Derivatives with the Chain Rule (10 min)
Logarithmic Derivatives with the Chain Rule (5 min)
Day 5: PVA One Vertical Motion (13 min)
PVA 2 Horizontal Motion (11 min)
PVA 3 Average Velocity and Speeding Up and Slowing Down (7 min)
PVA 4 Other Related Rates (13 min)
Day 6: Tangent, Normal, and Secant Lines (15 min)
Linearization (12 min)
(Bonus): Unit 2 Review Videos
Part 1 (14 min)
Part 2 (5 min)
Part 3 (13 min)
Part 4 (10 min)
Take this Unit 2 quiz to test your readiness:
Unit 2 Quiz
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